How to interpret what The Man Tarot Card Meanings The Hanged Man Tarot Card Means To You.

In this hanged man tarot card the card depicts an man who is suspended upside-down, and he is hanging at his feet from the living world tree. This tree is deep down in the depths of the earth, and is believed to be a support for the heavens. The belief is that the hang man is actually there at his own will. We believe this because of the serene expression which is in his eyes. The right foot of his is bound with the branch, but his left foot is totally free. While doing this he’s putting the hands of his behind in a way which forms the shape of an upside-down triangle. His wearing of red pants represent the physical body and human’s love for one another, and the blue that he wears in his shirt symbolizes peace and calm, a colour combination often seen in saints. The symbol of his intellect is the yellow color of his hair, shoes and his halo. The hanged man realizes that his situation is an act of sacrifice he had to make in order to progress forward – either in repentance of the past mistakes, or as an intentional step backwards to reconsider his course of action. The time he is in will not go unnoticed, the reason he is here is as part of his progression forward. The state of being upside down can also symbolize the feeling of those that walk a spiritual path, for they view the world in a different way. While there are those who don’t understand the need to sacrifice, you perceive it differently. This is a natural course of action for you as you walk the path alone. The Hanged Man card reflects a particular need to suspend certain action. In turn, it could signal a time of indecision. This means that certain actions or decisions which need to be properly implemented could be put off regardless of the urgency to act at the moment. In fact, it would be ultimately the best when you can be capable of delaying specific actions to allow the time to consider the most important decisions. This is ultimately the best option. The Hanged Man is about sacrifice for new perspectives, and waiting for the right time. For singles, the straight Hanged Man tarot love meaning indicates that things are not to be taken lightly. Regardless of how much you put yourself into your love life or text your partner all the right things however, it’s not up to you to decide if your partner is not ready. As opposed to trying to force or press a relationship to come into the final stages, take this opportunity to observe what your perspectives change when you’re alone. The same is true for relationships too. It is possible that timing can be a challenge when you are having crucial conversations, or taking relationships to highest level.

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